Saturday, March 28, 2009

Guess what title =D

Ohmygosh, yesterday night, about 7pm+, my friend sms-ed me and asked, wanna go sing k tomolo ? what what 10 to 2 rm12.. Hell, so funny...
kay lor. i didn't think much. don't want reply. i mean, replied late. and that time he was like, sleeping or what (=.=) phoned me and asked again. kay la... 去拉去啦...

Morning. wake up at about 930+. AHA. so late. 10am start? don't care. continue sleeping. xD

but a while only lah. Zzzz. suddenly, he phoned me again. haha. telling me that 2 more friends going. Ohh, fine. i don't want go-with-you-only. always ask me go out one. zzz. i want to be a good boy stay at house also cannot. HEHE.

Time passed with many legs. damn fast. Anyway, i reached jusco like about... 12???

my both friends took bus here. aiyah, so pityful.. T.T.. but nevermind lah, want play then must sacrifice bit bit. :) funny friends.

He reached too. waited me in popular. HOI. we went to play car racing. DON'T KNOW why i will lose. (=.=) maybe i put water. should be i think. =D

aiyoh. so sien. walked to green box. at first we thought the time can't suit the price anymore. WHO KNOWS! can wor. hahaha. till about like.. 3pm arh?

Yay! we went inside. longtimedidn'tgo inside alreadyler. mad like hell. walk super fast. ROOM11! reached. err, i think biing jye mentioned b4 that he never been to a ktv b4. haha. his first time gave me. (=.=)

OMG. i never know that they were so INSANE and CRAZY and HIGH and SAMPAT? and whatsoever. siaos. chorhong keep shouting when he was singing. HAHAHAHAHHAA. kinda behtahan. i laugh till like... face on the sofa.

and another two crazy ppl. kinda paiseh. but they haven't 爆发 only. Don't judge a book by its cover. not bad lah their singing. im quite generous i think. :)

gonna reached 3pm!! the second last song, i chose 'It's my life' by Bonjovi. I love that song! =)

LOL. they finally 爆发。 this time not only one, everyone was shouting there like hell, including me. hehe ^^

and the stupid kashing turned the volume of the music to the max. WOH. 大声到..

the last song was.. Low by florida ft t-pain. OMG. chorhong!! hahaha. i can't stop laughing. dancing there like, siao lang. until leaned himself on the screen. haha. i was rolling and laughing on the sofa. luckily didn't take any photo that time. =X

went out to toilet. saw my friend. haha. i asked where's her girlfriend. and he showed me. but i didn't see clearly. XD
After that, went to Padini. wah. cheap man. my friend wanna buy present for his friend. guess what he bought? earrings. er, speechless. X)

then, walked back home. gonna go for swimming at club at 7pm. wah. i swam myself there. how many laps ah... forgotten. gonna improve. =)

Earth Hour 830 to 930!!! my family and I went out for dinner. and i remembered to switch off all the lights in the house. yeah, did earth hour. hahaha. so nice. =D

Quite tired, so went to bed when reached home. =)

Here's encore!


跳到 sofa 上面 high... (=.=)

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Tiring? Exhausted? Confused?

Today, tuesday.

woke up early in the morning like, 430am ? whatthehell. crazy fellow.
MAYBE because of something can't sleep well. and made me think about it alltheday.
Stupid enough okay.

NVM, i onlined. and reply my friend's comment. and suan-ed by her. so early reply, like 526am in the morning. speechless. (=.=)

went to school. RAINING DAY. many students late today.
As i reached school, i went to my seat, and sat down, and straight fall asleep. (=.=)

Until i don't know the bell rang, and teacher was in the class. JE woke me up.

Miraclely, i didn't continue to sleep. because it's SEJARAH lesson. HAHA.

Moral lesson went to book exhibition. nice ler those books. first time. xD

Back to class. Bm lesson. OMG.

i slept again okay, when she was teaching karangan.

at the end, scolded by her. and said if wanna sleep go back home to sleep. (=.=)
i wish i can that time.

Two tuitions today. afternoon till night. fine. no fall asleep. =D

Have lotsa of homework to do today. Many didn't pass up though.

I'll finish them.

Monday, March 23, 2009


那天的第二天就要参加 run for peace 料。还酱迟睡,够力到~
还不是有两醉汉在玉鸿家发酒疯。搞到很多人都没睡,都在看他们在那儿打来打去,跑来跑去,当然包括我在内,几好笑一下的咯.. 哈哈..
还拍下 video 嘞.. 很北大喊.. =D

今天早上还不懂有没有迟上车,不然又要中酸料..希望我不会再迟料.. >.<

早上上学,下午补习.. 够力到.. bo lat liao.. 功课也是几够多一下的咯.. 很不爽啦.. 看啦.. 我一定把你们解决掉~

今天轮到我们的组oral test.. 英文的.. 我们做的是关于interview的.. 几好笑一下的咯..

秉杰叫mr.Boo,也可以叫他ah Boo.. 全班笑.. =D

观亮,一个很有潜能,老实,有自我信心的一个.. =>

到伟俊.. 一个很喜欢看pretty girls的.. 哈哈.. 几够力..

补习.. 不快乐的一天.. 很想骂粗话.. 不过没有啦.. =.=

好了,做功课啦 !

Saturday, March 21, 2009

` A freaking nice house party in YeeHong's house!!

Family picture of YeeHong's

YeeHong with his cute and naughty little brother xD


Saturday. I woke up late at 10 today. Seemed normal xD. Actually afternoon i'm going for addmaths tuition, but teacher called us last mimute that he was not feeling well, just like, GOOD news for me!

I thought i can't make it a movie with my friends today, but as tuition postponed, I'm frEE. ^^

I reached jusco at about, 1pm? then walked around with sean there. Kinda boring =.=, waiting our friends to come, by bus. NVM! haha.

We went to cinema, queued, and took our booked tickets. Oh ya forgotten! We watched... Witch Mountain?

It was something like Alien thingy came our earth. And there's the story goes~ HAHA. Quite a nice movie. Chor Hong! You didn't disappointed me this time.

Late in the evening

Finished watching the movie, i tumpang Sean's car to Yeehong's house. Woooo. Nice house =)

About 8 something, PARTY started! By eating and chatting there, HAHA. Quite common right.

After that, chairs were arranged in a oval shape. They wanna organised some games. HAHA. All of us sat there.

The game was like, passing items to the one beside you. I meant when the music started. And when the music was stopped, whoever holding the items gao lat loh. Sui siao loh. Kena punishment in front of us. HAHA. I will show you the photo later when the game was going on.


Time for the our dear birthday boy

Showtime! Birthday boy's birthday cake was out.

YeeHong, again okay.

Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday to YH,

Happy Birthday to you!!

That's all. xD

And today i'm gonna sleep at YH's house.

Nice yah~

Game going on and punishments. Hehe!! =))

Friday, March 20, 2009

` justlikewhatthehell!

duhs. it's late in the night.

i mean, middle of the night.

why am i here?!

whatthe. i had been continued doing so for a couple of days.

不到半夜不想睡。。 :)


it's saturday now.

what i did for the past few days?

GAME. lols.

anyway, gonna be busy soon.

lotsa programmes. parties either. :D

looked fun. but, havta organise them properly.

i must leave some time for myself.

TIME to off.

random stuffs!

TO be continued......

看了会哭的爱情故事 ( 记得一定要看哦! )

I swear that it won't waste your time :(


故事很長,但真的是很感人,我不知道這個世界上是否還有這樣的真愛,但我願意相信它是真的,畢竟它在那一刻打動過我的心,與我的心靈產生過共鳴.浪漫的愛情,確實能讓人興奮,但無論多麼浪漫的愛情,便總有一天要歸於平靜,面對愛情,我們需要的是理智和冷靜,這樣才有可能讓愛不留下遺憾............ 希望大家能用心把它看完.

她刚来这家公司的时候,他正准备被总公司派去国外。他们在休息间碰面的瞬间,他 的眼神划过一丝惊讶,是很高兴的那种惊讶。而她没有注意到。两人的第一次碰面擦 身而过。

他从经理的办公室出来的时候,带给了所有人的诧异,但他的脸上却挂着少有的愉 悦,他放弃了出国换来的是做她的同事。

她知道了他的名字JOY。他们成了搭档,默契而友好。他们彼此佩服对方在工作上的能 力,半年后成了好朋友。他知道她有男朋友,而他始终是单身。

一次闲谈,他问她喜欢这个男人什么,她甜蜜说:“他很浪漫,总会在我意想不到的时 候制造惊喜!我只有感动了” 他见过这个男人,看的出那个男人是很会哄女孩子开心 的,他想告诉她,那个男人不适合她,但他不知他可以拿什么理由。他不希望因为自 己的原因而让她错失可能的幸福。于是他只是听她讲,但什么也不说。她转过头问: “那你呢,条件这么好,怎么还没找女朋友,别要求太高拉” 他似乎没有听清她的问 题,于是答非所问的说:“你觉得我缺少些什么?” “浪漫”她随口说。然后两个人便大 笑起来。

他从毕业以后很快就被猎头公司看中,他在大学的时候就已经为几家大公司做过大的 创意,他一直埋头工作,他的设计文案鲜活生动唯美创新,极富想象力,可是在感情 世界里他从来不知道如何浪漫,在爱情里他是个初学者。


她是湖北人,爱吃辣,吃饭点菜的时候她总是要加许多的辣椒,她说这样的感觉才带 劲,他告诉她,我和你一样,然后就陪她一起吃。于是他们比谁更能吃,输的一方要 请另一方吃一顿,他每次吃的满头大汗,辣的眯缝起眼睛,这时,她就会笑他:“不要 逞能拉,瞧,每次都是你输。”他听了,眼睛却湿了,他赶忙说:“太辣了”。然后,她 就会咯咯的笑。

一个大热天,他们一起出去见客户,回来的途中,她说想喝水,他说我去买。他找了 一个阴凉的地方让她坐下,就离开了。她等了很久,已经开始不耐烦了,这时,他回 来了,她生气的问他怎么去那么久,对面就有一排卖冷饮的。他气喘吁吁,将手里的 饮料递给她,她这才看见,饮料的外面套着一个袋子,里面注满水,她接过来,饮料 是热的。他抱歉的说:“看你感冒了,所以...... ” 他话没说完,她的眼睛湿了。

她依旧和他的男友交往着,依旧每天打理着大束玫瑰,他依旧无微不至的照顾着她, 他说是把她当妹妹一样的照顾。

在一个寒冷的冬天,深夜里,他手机响起,在黑暗中显得急促,他懒懒的找到电话, 对方已经开口了,“你现在能过来吗?我在回归“他的头脑在听到她声音的那一刻猛然 清醒了,他随便套了件衣服就跑出门。在迪吧拥挤的人群里他看到了她,她已经喝的 烂醉,他从没看到过她如此憔悴。她抬起头,他看到她红肿的眼睛心痛极了。她像个 孩子一样伏在了他的肩上,她说:“我失恋了,他不再爱我了”。他什么也没说,只是 抱紧了她。这是他们第一次拥抱。

凌晨两点,他叫不到车,他的车子没有开出来,他就这样背着她回去的。寒冷的冬 天,他的衣服却都湿透了。第二天,他来晚了,他笑着说起晚了。她其实在他来之前 就从同事口中得知,他一直有严重的胃病。

那以后,她不准他再吃辣的。她也不再吃了。他们的关系进了一步,但始终还是朋 友。一天,公司加班,同事们陆续的走了,只留下了他俩,他问她:“肚子饿了吧,要 吃些什么?” 她歪着头说:“烧烤”他笑了一下,便出门了。又是很久,她忍不住站到 窗外望,不知不觉的下起了小雨,她看到外面的烧烤店已经打烊了,她不知道他又去 哪了,她给他打手机没人接,她突然想到他没有带伞,于是她拿起伞跑下了楼,刚到 楼下他回来了,身上浸透了雨水,他看到她下来,吃惊的说,“怎么下来拉,外面凉, 快上去。” 她看到他手中拿着的烧烤,她明白他跑了很远......她第二次在他面前哭 了。寒冷的夜里,她在那一刻吻了他,他错料不及,这是他第一次碰到她的唇。

于是在那个冬季快要结束的时候他们恋爱了,激情过后就逐渐回归平淡,她开始对他 发牢骚了,她觉得他没有一点浪漫,他没有为她创造一点惊喜。她没有收到一朵玫 瑰,他说鲜花有什么好,始终是要谢的,她在车上指着星星给他看的时候他却在睡 觉,她要他陪她看一部舞台剧的时候他却刚好要加班。最令她难过的是他没有正式的 说过一句“我爱你”。他们终于有了第一次的争吵。她故意不理他,他找她她说没空, 她手机没电了,索性就关机。他给她电话她不接。她只是想气气他。可是他突然失踪 了,就在她生日的前一天,他没有给她任何的消息,这一天也没来上班。她开始着急 了,她开始打电话给他,打给所有他的朋友,可是找不到他。这是以前从未有过的。 这一天是漫长的。

生日这天,她很早就起来了,应该说她这一晚都没有睡。她记得他说过会在清晨的第 一道阳光里给她电话,今天的天气很好,她是看着太阳慢慢升起的。电话终于响了, 她欣喜的抓起电话..........但她将电话旋落在地上的时候,她已经站不起来了,他 要离开她,她从没有想过会有这样的结局,她是爱他的,那么那么的爱他,她的思想 在那一刻崩溃,她知道以后不会再爱任何一个人,诺言信誓旦旦又有什么用,始终摆 脱不了命运!她的思想在那一刻崩溃,她恨自己那天对他的冷漠。

当她赶去医院的时候,他却永远的闭上眼睛,她直立而面无表情的望着他的躯体随着 一身的洁白慢慢被推向那个阴冷的房间。她耳朵充满着嘈杂和哭泣声,只是她没有 哭,只是她一个人是安静的。这时,有人将一大束花交给了她,是他留给她的,一份 最后的礼物,她抚摩着那些花,每支都是用纸做的。上面还有殷殷血迹,灰土.....那 是被打落在地上的痕迹,卡上只有一句“生日快乐”

办完所有的丧事后,她按照卡片的地址找到了那家纸屋,她进去,坐下,要了一叠粉 红色的折纸,紫色的丝带。店主有些吃惊的说:“好巧,上星期有个男人过来,也是要 的这些材料,也是要折65朵粉红玫瑰,他说他和他女朋友都是25岁,折到65支就刚好 是80,他希望他们可以一起活到80岁。”店主看到女孩子的睫毛开始颤抖,她继续说: “怎么,你也感动了吧,听他说那个女孩子是他的高中的班长,他一直都喜欢着她,只 是当时自己并不受注意,为了那个女孩子他后来一直都很努力,终于他们还是遇见 了,说这话的时候那个男人一脸的幸福!当时在场的人都感动了,那个女孩子真的是 好幸福!我从未看到过一个大男人如此认真的折那么多,他不让我们帮忙,硬是用一 天才折完,他说第二天是他女友生日”。她听到这里的时候早已经是泣不成声了,在她 送他的时候她没有哭,她让自己听最悲情的歌也没哭,可她是努力还是在这里控制不 住了。店主惊恐的看着她,想问什么但没敢说,她在走出门的时候轻声说:“他是我的 丈夫”!

她把65支玫瑰放到他的坟头,说:“这些花是不会谢了“!她想起店老板说的最好一句 花”他也很幸福“!她希望是。 她回到家中,更换了电池,开启手机,里面爆满,整整六十条短信,六十条“我爱 你”,全是他的................